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rough quarter (of the town) 城市的貧民區。

rough rice

The names of modern victims of this tactic will be visible on the list of peoples acked at an investment bank after a rough quarter ; the practitioners are their superiors , or those who have taken their jobs 這樣的行為如今改頭換面出現在各大投行里,每當業績慘淡,長長的裁員名單上的那些名字都是為真正該負起責來的主管們或者取代他們那些人做了代罪羔羊。

The names of modern victims of this tactic will be visible on the list of people sacked at an investment bank after a rough quarter ; the practitioners are their superiors , or those who have taken their jobs 這一伎倆的現代受害者名字可以在投資銀行的解雇名單上看到,在一個糟糕的財季之后,肇事的人還穩居高位,或已經頂替了他們的位置。

The english gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town 英國的紳士們總是不肯接近這個城市的粗人居住的地區。

The english gentlemen always keep themselves away from the rough quarter of the town 英國的紳士們總是不肯接近城市粗人居住的地區